Key Recommendations : To prevent hyperuricaemia and/or gout


Risk Factors and Preventive Strategies

To prevent hyperuricaemia and/or gout:
1) a healthy lifestyle should be advocated, which includes
– maintenance of a healthy body weight (body mass index <25 kg/m2)
– avoidance of alcohol
– adherence to Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet
2)diuretics should be avoided if possible, or replaced by an alternative drug when used
as an antihypertensive agent
• Treat-to-target strategy aiming for serum urate of <360 μmol/L should be applied in the
treatment of all gout patients.
Patients with gout should be treated with urate-lowering therapy.
1) Allopurinol is the first-line therapy.
2)When allopurinol is contraindicated or not tolerated, febuxostat or uricosuric agents
can be considered.
Monitoring and Follow-up
Monitoring of patients with gout should include:
1) clinical outcomes
2)drug-related adverse events; notably allopurinol-induced severe cutaneous adverse
3) blood tests, especially serum urate
• Screening for associated comorbidities should be done upon diagnosis and follow-up.