Home visit(Housecall doctor visit) for Elderly patients.
Doctor House (Housecall doctor) home visit able to help to recognise undetectable or unrecognizable treatable problems or even in worse case scenario elderly abuse in elderly homes. The ability of home visiting to detect unrecognizable, treatable problems among the elderly, as well as elderly abuse is found that with home visiting, doctors were able to obtain substantial information about health problems.
Similarly, home geriatric/elderly screening involving doctors was also found to be effective in detecting unrecognizable treatable problems.
Beneficial for elderly to be visited at home by doctors.
Perceptions of doctors on the nature of illnesses in the elderly that require Housecall visit or home visiting gave priority to bed-ridden patients rather than mobile chronically ill patients. Elderly patients, discharged from Accident and Emergency departments, found Housecall visit by doctors to be feasible and helpful, resulting in improved confidence and morale in patients. Housecall doctor visit found that regular follow-up home visits by a geriatric team to selected frail elderly patients discharged from a geriatric ward, can reduce the risks of re-admissions.
Preventive home visits
We found preventive home visits by Housecall doctor to have beneficial effects on elderly people specifically when health care personnel undertake visits, and, when such visits were on going. We also found that Housecall doctor visit by doctors increased on acceptance of elderly patients or vaccination including influenza, hepatitis B, pneumococcal and others.
Housecall doctor visits found that home visiting has positive effects in many aspects of health care.